The capital, led by Mayor Martínez-Almeida, is the fourth most expensive city in Spain in terms of room rental prices, as detailed by Idealista in a news article published on its portal. The situation is not so dire in many of the municipalities in the urban belt, but more measures are expected from the new Madrid Executive to alleviate the bubble in real estate rentals. Two of the star measures that the PP and Ciudadanos agreed with Vox in the first instance to tackle the housing problem are the following: "an Emancipation Plan" with "direct aid to young people" for the purchase of housing and combating "the phenomenon of illegal 'squatting'". Along with promises to increase the "social housing stock" or give "more security to all owners who want to rent their home in the Community", none of the points of this thematic axis go down to the concrete to solve one of the problems. problems that most heal the wound of social inequality in the region.
Madrid unanimously approves the Chamartín operation, one of the largest urban regeneration projects in Europe: what it entails and what is going to happen now A Fotocasa study revealed last May that the demand for rental housing in the region had skyrocketed by up to 56% so far this year. The data from the Continuous Household Survey of the National Institute of Statistics reveal, on the other hand, that Middle East Phone Number List in the community only 26.2% are homes that are rented, and 70.1% of the homes are owned. . Economy and inequality: the gap grows in the region Preciados street in Madrid, full of people Unemployment registered in Madrid rose a few tenths in July in the Community of Madrid. Precariousness and temporality, added to the housing problems detailed in the previous point, place the Madrid economy as one of the weak points of the region in terms of competitiveness: the social inequality gap grows on the plateau .

Last summer, the CCOO union revealed that 30% of unpaid overtime hours took place in Madrid. Although the central government has powers in this regard, and in fact Pedro Sánchez's Executive approved in the last legislature a plan to control hours in companies - so far, with few results -, the employment situation is also crucial for the new Ayuso Government. The measures agreed upon by PP and Cs in this regard, for the moment, cover training and new digital skills - "we will promote training and employment programs and workshops for people over 45 years of age and, especially, between 55 and 65/70 years of age." , prior to retirement, encouraging their self-employment"—and will continue to provide hiring aid.