As well as what brings them satisfaction. This way you can be clear about how your product can take your customer from one point to another. See this example from quintoandar. Some of the common problems faced by property owners are tenants' default and people's difficulty in making a lease with so much bureaucracy. With this in mind, the ad focused on showing the pleasure of those who advertise on the app and can have peace of mind with receipts and no headaches with complex processes. Love and connection love and connection are among our basic needs, which makes them one of the strongest triggers. But the love between brands and consumers doesn’t happen overnight. This trigger is part of an entire construction of emotional connections over time through marketing and similar actions. One company that specializes in this is harley davidson. Your customers are not just consumers, they are fans of the brand. This is because it is synonymous with adventure and freedom.
When there is identification between the values of the brand and the consumer, the trigger of love and connection works very well. Scarcity and urgency the scarcity trigger is one of the most used in marketing and sales. This is because when people understand that something is ending, they run so as not to miss the opportunity. Therefore, the trigger is Bank user number data Used to encourage people to quickly decide to make a purchase. On booking , for example, the site informs you that there are few accommodation options left and that there are more people looking for the same thing as you. In other words, if the customer does not close the reservation soon, they will lose the opportunity. Urgency the urgency trigger is not very distant from the scarcity trigger. It also awakens the feeling that something is ending and that it is necessary to run. The difference is that urgency is more related to time. That is, you have to hurry to avoid missing a certain deadline! Westwing works very well with the mental.
Trigger of urgency . The site launches campaigns with specific start and end dates. When entering the website you can see the date and time when those products will no longer be available. This makes people buy right away, driven by a sense of urgency. News you know when someone tells you: “I have two news, one good and one bad, choose which one you want to know first.”? Well, the trigger for novelty is what comes close to the sensation generated by this question. This is because news can be good or bad. But our brain creates the expectation that positive information will always override negative information and generate interesting actions in our lives. Smartphone and vehicle companies tend to use this mental trigger a lot. This is because every year a new model or a more complete and updated version of smartphones and vehicles comes out. Which keeps customers always interested in exchanging the old for the new. Social proof the mental trigger of social proof.