However, as time goes by Apache continues to innovate until finally it is compatible for various types of operating systems.how web servers workSource: Apache.orgHow Apache works relies heavily on support from PHP coding, SSL, and also an access control system.Apache is popular as a secure web server because of its superior features such as an easy installation process, and can be used in static web form.Apart from that, Apache also has a user friendly configuration system with easy operation.So, it is very suitable for users who are still new to the world of web servers.
NginXNginX is a type of web server that is Apache's toughest competitor.This web serv Malaysia WhatsApp Number List any advantages, and one of them is the ability to respond to various types of data requests even though website traffic is very busy.The main function of a web server isSource: NginxApart from that, such as URL rewriting , virtual hosts , file serving, reverse proxying , and access control .With these superior features, NginX is proven to be able to provide extraordinary system performance for website performance .3. LighttpdLighttpd is quite popular for the way its open source web server works with support for Linux and Unix operating systems.
The main function of a web server isSource: Lighttpd.netIf you look at the advantages, Lighttpd has quite complete features with easy operation.Some examples of superior features from Lighttpd include: FastCGi, Output-Compression, FastCGi, and URL Writing.4. Internet Information Services (IIS)Internet Information Service (IIS) is a web server made by Microsoft that is integrated specifically for the Windows operating system.Even though it is less popular, IIS has developed and evolved massively since it was first launched around 20 years ago.The definition of a web server isSource: MicrosoftIIS itself has many excellent features with easy configuration.