You can also offer free shipping coupons, especially if unexpected shipping costs might cause shoppers to abandon their carts in the first place. If your discounts are too generous you may inadvertently prompt customers to abandon their carts. If a customer sees that they get a nice discount every time they put an item in their cart then they might do it every time to trigger an abandoned cart email. The methods used in this situation may work best. They remind readers of three reasons why they should go ahead and make a purchase. Templates are great for reassuring customers Theme Name Will you like the product Still considering the product Product image We've saved your basket for you but we can't guarantee how long we'll be able to keep that price.
Products are one of our most popular items and sell out quickly so now is the perfect time to treat yourself. Buy Product Now Reasons to Buy Now Reasons Learn More Reasons Learn More Reasons Learn More Use Urgency It’s easy to put off buying without a sense of urgency. Use your emails to eliminate their fear of missing out. It’s in the customer’s best interest to remind them that these items won’t always be in stock and it’s best to buy now rather than risk running out of the item or Email Marketing List having the price go up. Your emails can let customers know when there's a sale on a product they've previously added to their cart or otherwise expressed interest in. Columbia does a great job of highlighting limited-time offers while also capturing the reader’s curiosity by hiding new prices. The template is great for promotional themes on abandoned products, product price cuts, breaking news, company promotions are now live which means you can now buy the product you are looking for at a lower price.
Product Name and Description Old Price New Price This is the lowest price guaranteed for the product you'll see this year. Buy now while supplies last. View offers optimized for mobile devices With more and more people using their phones to shop and check emails, any abandoned cart email will look great on mobile devices. Small steps like keeping copy simple, optimizing images, and using clear call-to-action buttons can have a big impact on how mobile users respond to emails. This example of keeping text to a minimum creates a message that’s easy to scroll through on mobile phones. Templates are mobile friendly Theme Great choice Still interested in the product Product images Take the time to snap Buy now Or you could decide to skip the email entirely and instead send an abandoned cart text.