You must also invest in certain marketing programs so that your product appears relevantly in a search, or for it to be promoted. Each market place has its rules. Amazon has its Prime Days, but the rest of the market places, and even Amazon, are excellent sales opportunities, via Ecommerce for the Good End. What you should consider is that, worldwide, % of Ecommerce sales are made via market places and not participating in these “digital shopping centers” reduces the size of the market that can be accessed. Considerations for your Ecommerce for a Good.
End due to COVID good end According to Michelle Evans of Digital Consumer Research, there are three key digital shopping trends that have accelerated with Covid- Brand interaction is now virtual. Establishing contact with the buyer or consumer virtually has required Digital Marketing Service brands to carry out activities that were not done before, or were done with lower intensity and priority. Even if there are a few days left, there are things you can still do. Professional work on social networks since buyers and consumers have more time for social networks. Take advantage of social.

Networks to answer the most frequently asked questions to your clients or prospects that you know they may have. Live streaming livestreaming to demonstrate the products is something you can do during the days that the promotion lasts and that could generate traffic to your Ecommerce for the Good End Create almost real experiences with the product using technologies such as augmented reality to show a product in three dimensions and in a simulated environment. You probably won't be able to do this anymore, but keep it in mind for next year.