“Most people focus on getting 15 Pat Flynns to do the webinars. I didn’t do that. The other thing was, I didn’t know who the next Pat Flynn was.” That’s not to say that Darrell didn’t also target people with huge audiences — like Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, who did one of the first partner webinars with Darrell.
It helped that Pat was already a fan of the service. pat flynn convertkit partner bulgaria number dataset webinar story “We booked Pat Flynn in the first quarter of my first year. Some crazy amount of people … like a thousand people in 24 hours signed up forr.” It was a big win for ConvertKit, and the exposure extended beyond the webinar itself.
Darrell used the success of the big webinars like Pat’s to capture the interest of other influential bloggers. Because Pat publishes detailed monthly income reports, Darrell knew people would see how well the webinar did without much additional promotion. SPI parternship affiliate webinar stats 3. They gave away hundreds of dollars of value during the webinar — and asked for nothing in return In 2016, it seemed like everyone had a webinar you could attend — especially in the marketing world.