Happy weekend! And Happy Father’s Day! This edition of Gin and Topics focuses on the dads in our lives, plus a couple of crazy animals and how you can fancify the Big Mac for a dad. I kind of can’t wait until my little Bean gives her daddy his Father’s Day gift. It is the cutest thing ever. But I can’t tell you what it is because he pays attention to Gin and Topics. So we’ll have to wait. For now, take a gander through the favorite videos of the week. And have a great weekend! Gin and Topics for Your Viewing Pleasure This week’s videos are courtesy of Paula Kiger, Mike Hale, Erika Heald, and yours truly. 5. Dance Dad Saves the Day. We’re starting off strong today! During a dance recital, a little girl was overcome with nerves and emotion while up on stage. So, while holding her little sister in his arms, dad comes to the stage and performs with the group. You may cry. Sorry. 4. Raccoon Scales Building. When Mike sent this in, he said, “I was way too emotionally invested in this little critter’s climb.
You’ll see what he means as the raccoon climbs 25 stories of a Minneapolis office building. People were taking its photo when it arrived on their office floor. It became internet famous within minutes. So funny! 3. Hanging Out at the Zoo. A little boy is at the zoo, making friends with a bear, when he starts to jump. And then the bear jumps. And then they’re jumping together. It is amazing. 2. Making a Big Timeshare Owners Email List Mac Fancy. I feel like there are certain things you don’t mess with. Deviled eggs (or, as they’re called in my house, doubled eggs). Potato salad. According to my husband (because I’ve tried), green bean casserole. And Big Macs. Yet, here we are. I mean, he even made potato mousse with French fries and hot milk. 1. Kids Tell Their Dads the Worst Thing They’ve Done. In honor of Father’s Day on Sunday, Jimmy Kimmel does his annual, “What does your dad not know about you?” feature. Fair warning, though. If your kids are watching with you and they still believe in Santa, Contribute to Gin and Topics Have a great video to contribute to Gin and Topics? Send it to us! The best place to send it is in the Spin Sucks community, but you can also email, text, private message, or Pony Express it to us. It’s why Spin Sucks exists.

But as we crest the half-way mark of 2018, we thought we would reboot a bit, and have a little fun. What constantly confounds PR and marketing professionals? Are there questions you still find yourself asking day-in and day-out? What are the biggest questions you’re still asking about PR, marketing, your career? These could be questions that define the next steps we take in our careers, a change in a business model, or a new way of defining value (whether personally or professionally). Maybe you’re still asking yourself if you should start your own business, or become a consultant. These don’t have to be truly “BIG” questions, rather they could be fundamental queries that change how we look at our industry and our role in it. Or not… Maybe you’re simply asking “can Mike Connell really be that funny?” Or, “just how tall is Gini Dietrich?” What are the questions you’re still dying to ask? If you had Gini in front of you, right now, what would you ask her (apart from the whole height issue)? This exercise is designed to let us know what stones we’ve left unturned, providing us with fuel for further Big Question conflagrations.