So, what could be better than visual or video campaigns to provoke emotion in others? . The “Liga contra el cancer” social media campaign A subject that is still taboo for many men, male cancers are particularly difficult themes to address in communication. However, the figures speak for themselves. More than 4,500 men are affected by prostate or testicular cancers, and a 22% increase in cancers is estimated by 2020. Thus, alerted by these figures,
the Peruvian Cancer League association wanted to react and this is the challenge that the Wunderman Phantasia agency decided to take on. An awareness and prevention campaign was created with the problem: how to approach a subject that is difficult for Georgia Phone Number List many men to talk about and convince them to carry out examinations? The solution: an interactive and original campaign by diverting an Instagram sticker

The campaign lives up to its name: #AmoMisBolas. His goal ? Encourage men to love their parts and take care of them. This 100% digital campaign is only present on Instagram. Its originality? She invites men to take a portrait of themselves, place the “heart on their hands” sticker upside down on their parts and share the photo in their Instagram story with the hashtag “Amo mis bolas”, and the identification of the @LigaCancer account.