Meta just announced its intent to focus on generative AI, while Snapchat announced that it has an ongoing experiment with OpenAI, the same firm that Microsoft is working with for its AI-powered chatbot. While I am interested to see where this takes us, I fear that the speed at which these companies are going might result in “experimental” features that are ultimately less credible or functional than standard search. So, as fascinating as these tools are, I’d have to caution users on how they take in and interact with the information these conversational AIs provide. Key Takeaway Bing Chat AI’s early release has the potential to change the search landscape and SEO as we know it.
It even has the potential to catch up to tech giants in terms of user experience, features, and integration capabilities. But when it comes to Google Bard vs. Bing AI, the success of each chatbot will ultimately come down to how well it meets the needs of its users CY Lists and how effectively it can differentiate itself in the market. While it had a good start, the outcome is still uncertain as Google Bard is yet to be released to the public. We can, however, glean some very interesting insights as to how AI can transform search from . Only time will tell if Bing Chatbot AI will be able to successfully compete with its rivals, but there’s no denying that its capabilities make it a tool worth investigating!Just when we thought that we could use everything AI to write all of our content, developers went and dropped AI writing detectors on us, too.
The creators of ChatGPT themselves released one just a few weeks ago, amidst new Google statements and updates on the whole issue of generative AI and content. It’s looking hard out there for these writing tools—but can engineers really develop a way to detect whether text has been by AI writers and conversational chatbots? Can Google detect AI-generated content? And, should you be worried about penalization if you’ve been using these tools yourself? Let’s get into what this all means for your content production, and what you can do to avoid getting hit by Google’s algorithm.