Rosemary can also be grown in pots if the size suits the plant. What is the best fertilizer for rosemary? Rosemary is a plant that does not require a lot of nutrients. Apply a balanced organic fertilizer once a month. Fertilizer should be used with caution as it can damage plants. How to Grow Rosemary in a Pet Bottle To grow rosemary in a pet bottle cut the bottle in half and punch a few holes in the bottom for drainage.
Then place a slab at the bottom of the pot and add a mixture of soil and fertilizer. Plant and water rosemary regularly. How to Take Rosemary Root After rosemary has taken root, cut off a branch about a centimeter long Iraq Telegram Number Data and remove the lower leaves. into rooting hormone and plant it in a pot of moist soil. Keep the soil moist and place the pot out of direct sunlight. How to Grow Rosemary in a Pot When growing rosemary in a pot, choose a pot that is cm deep and cm wide. Place a layer of stones at the bottom to facilitate drainage and add a mixture of soil and fertilizer.

Plant and water rosemary regularly. Make sure the pot is in an area that receives at least a few hours of sunlight each day. How to Plant Rosemary Sprigs To plant rosemary sprigs, cut a sprig about a centimeter long from the plant and remove the bottom leaves. Then dip the base of the branch into rooting hormone and plant it in a pot of moist soil. Keep the soil moist and place the pot out of direct sunlight. Are you new here? Welcome to the blog. We are a company that collects and composts organic waste.