ADVERTISEMENT The 3 fundamental steps of demand analysis To do a complete and efficient analysis, you must consider a series of variables related to both supply and demand. Regarding the key points of the offer, keep in mind: Sales price and other substitute, complementary and derivative products; Costs of the production process; Oscillations in the availability of inputs and productive resources. On the other hand, the variables that affect demand are: Average income of the target; Consumer needs, expectations and preferences; Prices of other goods and services related to the solution you offer; Number of potential clients.
By considering these aspects, you will be able Loan Phone Number List to direct business efforts in favor of creating measures and actions that increase the added value of the brand to its audience. In addition to weighing these variables, carrying out a demand analysis involves carrying out 3 steps : 1. Define your target audience It is important to keep in mind that there is only one way to analyze demand, so the study format depends on: market type and size; target audience or target. To know their profile, you must carry out surveys and interviews to identify the level of satisfaction about the solutions you sell and whether they are ready to accept a new product.

ADVERTISEMENT 2. Consider monetary indices You need to consider elements inherent to the economic reality of the region in which your company operates and, of course, the degree of liquidity of potential consumers. In addition to identifying the monetary supply, the amount of money available, you must orient yourself by the monetary demand that implies the amount of wealth — in money — kept by people and companies. This data will help you understand the economic cycle and, consequently, will contribute to the development of much more effective internal and commercial actions. Likewise, they affect the launch (or not) of new goods or services on the market. 3.