By Snapchat although the most popular ones always come back. a fun cover with a filter. After taking a Snap swipe left or right on the preview screen to add color filters current time local weather speed overlays or geofilters to your photo or video. After you take your snap and apply your first filter you can tap hold then drag to add another filter as well. Geofilter Like filters you can use geofilters to decorate snaps. However the geofilter is specific to your location or event you are attending. They encourage other users to share their experiences with friends and
followers. The required geofilter may also be designed and purchased by individuals or smaller companies and only becomes available when the user enters a specific location such as a wedding or graduation venue. Chat This is the messaging feature Phone Number Data within Snapchat that allows you to directly chat with other users. You can access the chat section by swiping from left to right on the camera screen. From here you can also send Bitmoji stickers start a live video call send money share snaps and more. Memories Since its launch Snapchat has added several
features that allow you to take snapshots or save snaps. The most recent example is memories. Not only does it give you another way to store snaps in the Snapchat cloud but it also offers a section to access media saved locally on your device. When you take a Snap you'll see an option to save it to your Memories it's an inverted triangle that looks like a cursor snapshot under the Capture button Friends' Stories These are video or photo summaries that last for hours and are saved to a private feed that your friends or followers can view. You have your own story but your friends and people you follow can also add stories that you can view. Discover This is a section located to the right of the camera screen dedicated.