Flying from the nest today is not easy at all. Youth unemployment and low salaries along with the price of housing are some of the reasons why young people do not decide to leave their parents' home. For this reason, the Spanish government developed a four-year plan in 2018 to help purchase housing and rent for young people. So, if you are under 35 years old and want to buy an apartment , perhaps you can benefit from the help we have below.
State housing plan 2018-2021
The State Plan for Access to Housing was launched to facilitate access to housing for the most needy groups. It has several action plans, and among these is aid for the purchase of housing for young people. This action plan includes a series of direct aid aimed at young people under 35 years of age who acquire a home.
Furthermore, this action from the Executive also aims to help victims of gender Chinese Overseas America Number Data violence, evicted people, homeless people and people in other vulnerable situations, through financial aid for payment of up to 100 %. of supplies and monthly rental payments .
All these measures will be given for a duration of 5 years and subsidies of up to 50% of the monthly rental amount will be offered for families at risk of social exclusivity who have a home with an income of less than €601/month and depending on the autonomous community €900/month.
What are the aids for purchasing housing for young people?
According to the state plan, aid for the purchase of housing for young people will be 20% of the price of the property up to a maximum of €10,800. If the home purchased is worth less than €54,000, you will receive 20% of the amount. From €54,000 you will receive a maximum of €10,800.
Now you know how the state can help you buy a house . However, the state housing plan includes some requirements that you must meet if you want to access them.

Requirements to access aid for the purchase of housing for young people
The first requirement to access aid for young people is age. You must be under 35 years old. Well, if the aid were intended for a 50-year-old man, it would no longer be for young people. In addition, as a general rule, the annual household income should not exceed 3 times the IPREM. This means that the total household income must not exceed €19,362 per year.
Nor will they be able to receive aid for the purchase of housing for young people, who already own another home. However, if you manage to prove that you cannot enjoy it, you will be able to obtain them. This can happen in any of the following cases:
For divorce reasons.
Because a disability prevents your access.
If the home you own is abroad.
When your property does not have a certificate of occupancy.