Those organizations that couldn’t access ARPANET needed an alternative and the answer was CSNET. Source: Wikipedia The first public WAN came to fruition in . It came about in the form of the EUUG dial-up service through EUnet started by Teus Hagen. Source: Internet Hall of Fame At the same time, Asia got its own first internet connection SDN, developed by Kilnam Chon. This was a sign that scientists in Asia needed to start promoting regional internet development. Source
Internet Hall of Fame PeopleTeus Hagen – born in Wijnjeterp, Netherlands. He India Mobile Database started the European Unix User Group and the European Unix User Group. He also created the Eunet which was the European Unix Network. This was also the first ever public WAN. “Global Connector” acknowledgement by the Internet Hall of Fame. Source: Wikipedia Kilnam Chon – born in Osaka, Japan in .

This South Korean/Japanese computer scientist understood the value of the internet and because of his efforts South Korea was the second country after the US to be connected to the internet through the System Development Network. Source: Wikipedia TechnologiesFirst Public WAN – EUnet was the first ever public WLAN. At first it had essential backbones. However, in just a couple of years it spread onto countries and had over a , websites. EUnet used TCP/IP for its network.