Riccardo Esposito I am a freelance web writer. I have been writing online since , I specialized in drafting editorial plans for company blogs. I have written books dedicated to the world of blogging and online writing. Category Marketing comments on ways to increase the open rate and CTR of your emails NADIA SEPTEMBER , AT .PM Hi Alessandro, your article is really interesting. A question don't you think that one way to increase the open rate is to use an ab test for the objects and the sender in the initial phase? Ditto for the CTR, perhaps testing with anchor text and bottom in the email content. Answers ALESSANDRO BAGLIERI SEPTEMBER , AT .
PM Hi Nadia, glad you liked the article. Splittests must be a constant at Best gps tracker service provider in Bangladesh all times and not just in the initial phase. This applies to emails, advertising, landing pages and any other digital marketing element. In the blog we have addressed the topic of split testing in depth. Answers RICCARDO ESPOSITO SEPTEMBER , AT Hi Alessandro. Also taking inspiration from the blog, can you give us some examples of AB tests useful in these cases? Answers ALESSANDRO BAGLIERI SEPTEMBER , AT .PM There can be many elements to splittest in email marketing, personally I think the main ones are to test – The day of sending – The time of sending – The frequency of emails sent – CTA as a link or as an image – The colors of the CTA – The text of the CTA – The subject – The length of the email – The tone of voice professional or family The list could be much longer.

The basic advice in email marketing is to do split tests in a small portion of the list, isolating the variables, testing one element at a time, then in light of the results, send the email with the winning elements to the rest of the list . In some cases, as, I have had great results in my campaigns by identifying contact preferences and creating segments to send personalized emails to rather than sending a single email for everyone. The applications could be made on the time of sending, identifying the preferences of the contacts and dividing them by time slot. As well as the length of the email or the tone of voice.