In the 2019 General Elections, 19 provinces have distributed the most contested seats in the elections, which have been distributed with less than 5,000 votes margin. PSOE and Ciudadanos have benefited the most in those contested seats, while Vox has been the one that has lost the most deputies by the smallest margin. Castilla-La Mancha is the community in which there have been the most disputed seats, with electoral battles for the last deputies in all the constituencies except Ciudad Real. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . These maps show how the Spanish vote has evolved in the last 40 years.
The Spanish electoral system, marked by the D'Hont proportional distribution system and the use of the provinces as constituencies, usually gives rise to electoral battles seat by seat, which SW Business Directory are sometimes resolved by just a handful of votes . In the 2019 General Elections , this situation has been repeated, with 19 provinces distributing the most contested seats in these elections, that is, those that have been distributed by less than 5,000 votes. However, the 5 closest seats have been distributed by a difference of between 900 and 77 votes .

This is the exact number of votes it cost to get a deputy in each province in the 2019 General Elections The PSOE has been the party that benefited the most in the last deputies to distribute, winning 7 seats and losing 3 , while Ciudadanos won 4 and lost 4, the PP added 4 and left 1 (and with it its representation in the Basque Country before Bildu ), Unidas Podemos won 2, lost 3 and Vox did not win any contested seats and lost 7 . By territory, the majority of the most contested seats correspond to Castilla-La Mancha , where 4 of its 5 constituencies distributed their last seat by a margin of less than 5,000 votes.