Create a blog and feed this beautiful online space with valuable information for generating your leads. The higher the quality of the content generated by your company, the greater the chances of attracting the right people, who are constantly searching for information that answers questions and solves their ailments as consumers. Not having a publication frequency There is no point in producing well-written content with both relevant information and data if your company does not define a publication frequency. One of the main mistakes when generating leads is not creating a publication calendar.
marketing calendar kit Of course, good content will attract the audience HT Lists you need for your brand's blog; But the frequency of publications is what will guarantee greater commitment from your potential clients. Seriously remember to follow the periodicity that you establish so as not to frustrate your readers. If your company decides that the publication of content will occur every week, you have to be faithful to what was determined, since your readers will certainly get used to that frequency and will wait for the next post.

Not having a good social media strategy Have you already thought that there is no point in just generating quality content and defining a periodicity for your content marketing strategy? It is necessary to make it visible at the right moments. Thus, it is important to be present on social networks , mainly on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram; or where you are certain that your audience will be. Create the profile of your brand or company on social networks, since this is the best way to generate traffic for the content of your blog. Each of these social networks will be responsible for assisting in the distribution of your content.