How to Defeat Content Mediocrity Once and for All Problem of content mediocrity On the Internet, there’s just about 1 billion websites and 4,350,000,000 pages of information. Fact: There’s more than enough content on the web already. Way more than enough. In blogger terms, that means that if the only content you publish is rehashed themes already found all over the blogosphere, then don’t bank on success. Maybe that strategy worked back when there were only 10,000+ Internet users per website, but today, there’s only 4 for each.
So if you’re just going through the motions of content marketing by publishing mediocre Country Email List content then your campaign is pretty much sunk. On the other hand, if you consistently go out of your way to make each and every blog post as ram-packed with value and utility as possible, then your blog/website will stand out. And you’ll get noticed. And you’ll drive traffic. And you’ll make money. No worries, because you’re about to learn how.
Be a Perfectionist As a kid in middle school, I once remember a teacher passing out a sheet of paper that had a list of “tips” to help me make it through the 7th grade. The first tip: strive for excellence, not perfection. Looking back at that, I LOL. It was by far the most absurd sentence I read that year. Every blogger is already striving for excellence, rendering your content nothing above average.