Many SEO experts are of the opinion that HTML/W3C Validation Errors are a major sign of a weak website. 44. Reputation of domain hosting server - Domain Authority A page from an authoritative domain will rank more on search results than a page from a domain with lower authority. 45. Page Rank of the page Previously, higher PageRank sites ranked better than low PageRank sites. Google has now stopped updating Page Rank, so this factor no longer makes much sense. 46. URL length One of Google's main ranking factors is URL length. Long URLs negatively impact search visibility. In fact, several expert studies have shown that short URLs have an advantage in Google search results. website ranking URL length 47. URL path Pages can gain increased authority compared to the structure of other website pages when located as close to the home page position as possible.
Editors – , Google's patent allows humans to influence SERPs. 49. Category India Part Time Job Seekers Phone Number List page The appearance of Category pages can be a relevant signal. A page that is a closely related section has increased relevance compared to a page that is unrelated or less relevant. 50. WordPress tags WordPress tags are relevancy signals. According to Yoast.com: “The only way to improve SEO is by linking to another piece of content, more specifically by grouping articles together.” 51. Use keywords in URLs Using keywords in URLs is helpful and one of the most important relevancy signals. 52. Strings URL Categories in URL strings are read by Google and can provide topical signals for a site's content. 53. References and Source Links Quality content is judged by source code links and references placed at the end of the article. Google always appreciates people who are conscious of citing the sources of the pages they refer to.

However, Google refuses to use external links to help in SEO rankings. 54. Shows numbered or bulleted content Dotted and numbered icons make content easier to read and not boring. Google may agree and prefer numbered or bulleted content 55. Prioritize pages in sitemap The priority of a page given through the sitemap.xml file affects rankings to a certain extent. Key Google ranking factor Prioritize pages in sitemap 56. Too Many Outbound Links (outbound links) Too many external links can negatively affect readability. The Google Quality Rater documents that “Some pages have too many links, which overshadow the page and distract from the main content.” 57. Page age Fresh content is definitely favored by Google. But an old page with new updates on a regular basis is still of interest to Google. 58. Number of Page Ranks of other keywords If the page ranks highly for some alternative competitive keywords, then Google receives a quality signal that causes the website to increase in SEO rankings. 59.