It is thus positioned as the French government 's default search engine and processed approximately billion search requests in Its interface is similar to that of Google, with the possibility of filtering search results by category and to choose the country and language of the results . To optimize the content of the engine, the user must focus on the use of relevant keywords and provide high-quality content useful to Internet users.
With approximately % market share in France, the search engine places the protection Bolivia Phone Number List of privacy at the forefront of its philosophy. Its innovative “Qwick Search Shortcuts” feature allows users to access direct answers without having to visit multiple websites. Qwant 's sleek interface and intuitive design make it user-friendly and visually appealing. For some, the main disadvantage of the search engine is that it can display mismatched results due to massive content that distracts the user's attention.

DuckDuckGo This search engine owes its popularity to its strong privacy features. Unlike Google, this alternative to traditional browsers applies a strict anti-tracking policy and prevents sites from collecting data on your browsing habits. The main advantage of DuckDuckGo is that it prioritizes protecting your privacy and does not display personalized and targeted advertisements.