Information about However, “using blockchain,” Newman continues, “advertisers will now have the ability to build a customer profile directly from the customer – gaining all the information the customer is willing to share in one swoop.” How this’ll be done is a bit vague for now, but a few companies are getting a head start. BitClave in particular has created a blockchain-based search engine that, when used, allows businesses to reach out to them for compensation.
The ability to incentivize users for their data, and Phone Number List have them consensually give it, gives marketers from smaller companies a leg up over giants like Facebook. Though this tech has a ways to go, it’s bringing the data-collection conversation into the present, and is revolutionizing the way we interact with our audience. 5. Validating pay Have you ever worried about payments? Paying a contractor, freelancer, or other firm can be costly, time-consuming, and plainly unsafe. Especially in the affiliate marketing arena.

It may be confusing to figure out who gets what pay, when, and why. If you wait too long figuring out the logistics, you risk upsetting or losing a partner, or drawing legal fire. If I weren’t paid on time, my head would fly through my ceiling. If I still have a ceiling, or a roof for that matter. In these ways, money is the facilitator and maybe the most volatile part of your job as a marketer. Whether you’re receiving or dolling it out, payments are a sensitive subject that desperately need an upgrade. Because blockchain began.