The time officially specified for completing the IELTS tests. It is known that the official duration of the IELTS tests is two hours and 45 minutes. Some examinees seek to complete the questions in this same period, and although this method is logical, it is not considered optimal for increasing the speed of solving the questions. This method does not take into account the presence of questions in the real exam that may require.
The examinee to take longer to solve than what he is Telegram Number Data accustomed to during training, so it is better to practice solving the questions in a shorter period of time. There are several methods that those studying to prepare for the IELTS test have relied on and have proven effective in increasing their speed in solving questions, such as: A) Reducing the time significantly first, then gradually increasing for a specific period of time with a specific time difference from the time specified for the exam. For example, all IELTS Listening exam questions must be completed within 30 minutes. Here, the trainee sets the completion time to be 15 minutes, then graduates to a maximum of 20 minutes.
The remaining 10 minutes are divided into 5 minutes for solving difficult questions and the same for review. b) Set a specific time for completion and training so that you can solve and review the questions during that time. With the same numbers as the previous example, the examinee sets a specific time for completion and review from the beginning and then strives to achieve it. For example, the examinee seeks to finish solving the questions and review within 25 minutes through continuous training on speed and accuracy until he reaches this period. Here the examinee solves the questions without specifying a specific time to complete them, then records the time it took to complete them.