With 3%, and Yandex, with 2%. 2. Google has 95% of the global mobile search engine market share. (source ) If you thought Google dominated the desktop market, imagine the hold it has on the mobile market. When establishing your SEO strategy, most often you want to prioritize Google. Search engine user statistics But how many people use search engines? 3. More than a billion people use Google. (source ) 4. 2 trillion searches are done on Google every year.
That’s 70,000 searches per second or 5.8 billion per day. 5. Search engines drive 68% of website traffic. (source ) 6. 71% of B2B customers use search engines for product research. (source ) 7. Nearly 82% of Internet users aged 18 to 64 have used a search engine or web portal in the last Australia Phone Number Data month. (source ) Search engines are therefore the third most used online site or application, after chat and messaging applications and social networks.
Search engine usage statistics Now that you know how many people use search engines, let's talk about how they use them. 8. On average, a Google search session lasts less than a minute (source ). Users want to quickly find the information they are looking for. Keep this in mind when optimizing your site.