Before.facebook-removes-more-targeting-options-interactive-gmailVia Google.Compared to other web-based experiences, said Gmail product manager Aakash Sahney in the announcement blog post, “email has largely stayed the same—with static messages that eventually go out of date or merely serve as springboards to accomplish more complex tasks.”We’ve all been there: You get an email invitation to RSVP to an event and, rather than taking care of it within the email itself, you have to navigate to another website and fill out a form there. Not anymore. Thanks to the new, dynamic interface, you’ll be able to accept meeting invitations, complete forms, browse products, respond to Google doc comments, book hotel rooms, and more—all within Gmail.
Business owners and digital marketers alike should certainly feel excited Thailand WhatsApp Number about this. In the past, it’s been all too easy to suffer low engagement across your email marketing campaigns due to the static nature of the messages and the frustration that your contacts may have felt when trying to complete simple tasks.Let’s say you run a local gym, for example. Previously, when you’ve asked your email contacts to fill out the sign-up form for a new exercise class, you’ve probably lost interested participants simply because they didn’t feel like clicking through to your website.

Now, as long as you’re a G Suite customer, you’ll be able to drive more conversions with the help of dynamic, interactive Gmail templates.Instagram makes Stories ads interactiveGreat news for social media marketers who (wisely) incorporate engagement with users into their strategies: Instagram has announced that polls are coming to Stories ads.Instagram Stories are insanely popular, and a lot of businesses have been using interactive elements—polls, hashtags, mentions—in their organic Stories posts for some time now.