Use the tips above to begin working on your own before you launch your website and begin the content creation process.Recently, I was in a discussion with a group of outstanding sales people. They were talking about how to align their selling process with the customer buying process. One of the sales people asked, Some readers may think, “Isn’t this obvious?” After all, classically, we know we have to do discovery, what are their needs and requirements,
who’s involved, what is their decision-making process, what alternatives Vietnam Email List are the considering…… It’s all sales , so why do we struggle so much in understanding the customer buying process? Nobody Makes Decisions Implicit in these questions is there is a defined, linear buying process. Just as we have always thought about a linear sales process (prospect, qualify, discover, propose, close); we tend to think customers have a similar process.

Often, we go through defining a corresponding customer process (problem definition, need identification, evaluate alternative solutions, solution selection.) While at a high level, this makes sense, after all, it’s a textbook problem solving process. But the reality is, this isn’t how things get done in organizations—as much as we might wish that it is. We are reminded, % of complex BB customer buying journeys—that is buying initiatives that are budgeted—end in no decision made. Somehow, % of the well intended buying initiatives end in no decision made!