They defend people deprived of their rights
The Outlaw Goal : break the rules and fight generally accepted patterns Characteristics : rebellious, rule-breaking, shocking, paving the way for change Disadvantage : If he goes too far, he may be perceived in a negative way Example : Harley-Davidson, Calvin Klein, Jack Daniels, Apple The rebel archetype is definitely for brands that are not afraid to break conventions and are advocates of change.And fight for freedom, but this is a risky strategy because if we go too far, we will start to be perceived negatively. The Magician Goal : Make your dreams come true, create something unique TraitsVisionary, charismatic Bahamas Mobile Number List imaginative, idealistic, spiritual Disadvantage : He takes risks, so not everything may go his way Example .
Sony, Ajax, Calgon, Energizer and Tesla A wizard helps people change their world, create something unique, inspire change, and make their dreams come true. Their enemy is stagnation and unexpected negative consequences. Group IV Stabilization The Creator Goal : Create something lasting and valuable Traits : Creative, imaginative, artistic, inventive.