Low-Code to develop one quickly
To do this, they use advanced technologies such asmatching with D codes DataMatrix and QR, fingerprint signature, connection withscales, integration with Hospital Information Systems HIS and, more recently, Dprinting systems for medicines. PharmaSuite: It is a project developed byBasesoft with the purpose of helping hospital pharmacists comply with rigoroushealth guidelines and being an essential tool in their daily routine.Thissolution has been developed in collaboration with pharmacy services for morethan seven years. Currently, PharmaSuite is in production or implementation inseventeen hospitals, including EOXI in Pont Cell Phone Number List evedra, Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona,EOXI in Santiago de Compostela, among others. Recognitions: Basesoft has beenawarded several awards, such as the Rovi Award for Innovation in HospitalPharmacy and the first prize in the Business Association of A Coruña andGalicia for its project. Build self-service portals with Low-Code Aself-service portal is a web page that allows certain groups of users to accessinformation and resources without the help of a provider or website owner. Thistechnology is not new. It has been used for many years to speed up support timeand improve user experiences with convenience. The self-service portal can be usedinternally employee, partner, supplier, administrator or externally customer,general public.
With the growing need for online portals, many companies areusing . One of the main Low-Code examples takesplace in the city of Rotterdam. Rotterdam City Hall had been mired in a longdevelopment schedule and an increase in shadow IT, due to the technical gapbetween business and IT. To address this, the authority implemented Low-Code inand has developed more than applications for more than , users. Their tactic isto use reusable components and work agilely. Some notable solutions include thedigital COVID response service, a mobile parking reservation application and aninternal portal for grant management. With Low-Code, the city is expected tocontinue supporting more citizens and employees with a maximum development leadtime of weeks on average. Low-Code Examples in Mobile Application DevelopmentOther Low-Code use cases include creating mobile applications. Instead of thetraditional way, Low-Code allows the development of multiple applicationswithout few or no professional developers.