confront real-world issues
confront real-world issues and struggles that others contend with. Many people don’t realize that not every book is meant to be light or happy. Photos Courtesy: GoodreadsWhen people ban books, like Beloved or The Color Purple, they forget — or willfully choose to ignore — that what Sethe and Celie went through in their respective novels was a reality for many people (and, in regards to surviving abuse, continues to be a reality for many). These works raise uncomfortable questions for white readers — but that’s the point.When people ban and challenge queer coming-of-age stories, like All Boys Aren’t Blue, they’re erasing Middle East Phone Number List and invalidating queer and trans kids who want to read stories that reflect their experiences. Banning books limits access to lived experiences and erases much-needed voices.Instead of challenging books, maybe readers should challenge how they think about stories that are different from their own. like Beloved or The Color Purple.
If you’re a bookworm, then you’re probably familiar with the struggle of toting books around or packing armfuls of novels for your next trip. The problem? It can take a toll — on your back and your wallet. Fortunately, e-readers, like Amazon’s Kindle Cloud Reader, offer a way for you to keep your favorite books close by without much hassle. Here, we’re determining the best e-reader of 2022 by looking at the top devices — and apps — on the market.What Is an E-reader?Put simply, an e-reader is a handheld device that allows you to read electronic