However, a more recent and complete approach has emerged
Need help establishing a social media strategy? Our team of experts is here to help you! Don’t hesitate to call just search ! Our experts are available to answer your questions and advise you on your digital project. Do you want to advertise on pinterest? Want to talk with one of our experts? Need to know more ? Contact ussxo: how to integrate it into your seo strategy? Search experience opitmization , a blend of ux and seo, has become an important element in maximizing your conversion rate .Indeed, it is essential to take into account the ux for your positioning on the google serp and, ultimately, facilitate ( from the search on the search engine ) the conversion of prospects . In this article, find out how to integrate sxo into your natural seo strategy. What is sxo? Seo orlatestdatabase.comnatural referencing allows you to improve the visibility of your website on search engine results pages .
Sxo , for search experience optimization , can be defined as the marriage between seo and ux . Indeed, this new practice combines different so-called “traditional” seo techniques and best practices for improving the user experience. The aim of sxo is to optimize your positioning while improving the user experience , with the aim of maximizing the conversion rate .