hen in the backend ST section
Enter 50 words, and the remaining keywords that are not buried in the front desk can be buried in the ST section in the backend in order from strong to weak in relevance. Multi-variant ST word embedding skills: Emphasis on front-end keywords If the product has multiple variants, then there will be a particularly large number of places for our buried words. For 500 core words, the front desk can bury about 100-300.It is even possible to bury all 500 Phone Number Listcore words directly in the front desk. T, we can bury the keywords buried in the frontend again, and then there are some broad words and one or two thousand that can also be buried in the backend ST section. Not only does it emphasize the keywords at the front desk, but it also supplements them.
The purpose of this is to allow Amazon to increase the traffic entrance to our links as much as possible. Three: Tools to detect buried words and assist in buried words 1. Detect hidden words in Listing After we have finished laying out the words for the listing, are we really doing it right? In fact, it is difficult to judge. Moreover, for the company, the listing wording work done by the following operations is uneven, and if there are many people, they can only do spot checks, which cannot be judged well.