They want original content
They knew AI content was coming. They want a human making the effort – not AI. “They said that for most pages, the quality of the main content can be determined by the amount of effort, originality, and talent or skill that went into it.– not content if it’s copied with little or no effort, has no manual curation, or has no added value for the user. “Moving forward, the amount of effort you put into content is going to be an important factor.” Are the user’s needs met? Fach highlighted how crucial it is to make sure your content meets user needs and aligns with their intent, something Google’s guidelines emphasize 119 times.She explained: “Do you provide a helpful answer to DB to Data someone’s query in your content? And did you do it fast or are you making them work to find the answer? Because we all know that people do not like to work – and they’re not going to work, so needs met is an issue. “The other thing I want to say is that content does not have to be long form. Gone are the days of creating 5,000 words on this topic to beat your competitor. Needs met doesn’t need 5,000 words. Short-form content works.
Short-form answers are good and help the user to find their answer quickly.” YMYL should be taken seriously “Your Money, Your Life” isn’t casually mentioned in Google’s guidelines; it’s actually highlighted 120 times, which means you need to pay attention to it, Fach said: “Google says that some topics have a high risk of harm because content about these topics could significantly impact the health, financial stability, safety, welfare or well-being of society. Google doesn’t want to put up bad information in these areas. “In fact, Google has removed harmful content because it takes the safety, welfare and wellbeing of society very seriously. “If this is your niche, you’re going to have to work harder than everybody else to make sure that your content is correct.