People want to develop based
Parents save on educating their children last. Demand fell twice for a short time, but recovered. And this year we have learned to quickly reduce unnecessary expenses. This is a good way to get business experience without surpluses - there's nothing wrong with that, because in the future they can be easily returned. Vitaly Altukhov, co-founder, director of development and research at Profilum This year we have seen that in a situation of social and economic fluctuations, a stable demand for hard skills remains.This is logical, because this way it becomes possible to quickly monetize professional skills. At the moible number data same time, there is a noticeable decrease in demand in the segment of business education. Clients view educational projects more as a short-term development model for quickly putting skills into practice, rather than as part of a long-term strategy. The demand for customization of educational tracks has escalated.
This feature has been traced since last year, but now it has become one of the key ones.on their talents and capabilities. Talent-centeredness can be called the main trend of 2022 in professional diagnostics. Marianna Snigireva, CEO of Netology In 2022, the request for additional education has changed a lot. First of all, in Netology, the demand for courses in programming, analytics and design has grown.