There is no need to shoot violent
Realize that your account is free you can continue to upload videos regularly. Delete videos that violate the rules. If you suspect that one of your videos violates its Community Guidelines or blocks it completely, please delete it. Reinstall the application. Some users claim this helps. If you don't have anything valuable in your draft try deleting it and re-downloading it. At least you won't lose anything. The best way to avoid shadowbans is to not break the rules.
Has a large audience of kids and random content so the rules are very last database strict. , extreme, pornographic, etc. videos. Also don't insult someone in the video and don't use trigger words and trigger items (knives, weapons) especially in duos where people often shame or laugh at the author of the video. (Note be very careful with duets. If the original video was not blocked and ignored by the algorithm despite it clearly.
Breaking its rules then your duet may be removed for not following the original video's rules). if Block your video If you disagree please try to appeal the decision. This may sound ridiculous but if the appeal is accepted and the video is unblocked then it is better to delete it because. Your account will remain under supervision after appeal. It is better to be released from prison because the case has been dismissed by the courts than to wait for the entire sentence.