How to win more traffic with the Master
Then be sure to create an account and set up a campaign on . It walks you through all the steps of setting up a specific campaign for . If you've already set up your campaign, like this is my campaign and I want to add a new list of keywords to track, what you can do is go into this dashboard view and go to rankings. If you scroll down here, you can add keywords. Let's say you're getting into the realm of conversion rate optimization.I can paste the keyword list and then add tags. Use Keyword Tags to Track Topic Progress Over Time This C Level Contact List tag will now be attached so that I can filter by keyword only. Then I'll click Add Keywords . This basically takes a while to start working. But once it starts tracking, once you add those keywords, you'll see their history over time and even see how you compare to your competitors. This is a great way to monitor your usage of keywords, where you see big drops or increases, and how to better adjust your strategy to target those goals. Found anything new or particularly useful? Let us know on or in the comments, and stay tuned for more quick, fun keyword research workflow videos in the coming weeks.
We've got some great stuff for you, from finding organic CTR for your keywords to uncovering inclusion opportunities wait. About Felicia Crawford I'm , the Content Marketing Manager. Real Fact: Neil Diamond once said this to me on Twitter. It's framed on my desk. Learns Guide to Keyword Research. Read next Content and links Are we making too complex? Link Building Content Marketing The opinions of the authors are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of . Content and Links To successfully leverage search as a marketing channel, you need useful content and relevant links.